Is not the entire point of the military to kick ass? What is the point of this?

The Pentagon's current regulations banning transgender individuals from serving in the military are outdated, Defense Secretary Ash Carter said Monday, ordering a six-month study aimed at formally ending one of the last gender- or sexuality-based barriers to military service.


Officials said the military also wants time to tackle questions about where transgender troops would be housed, what uniforms they would wear, what berthing they would have on ships, which bathrooms they would use and whether their presence would affect the ability of small units to work well together. The military has dealt with many similar questions as it integrated the ranks by race, gender and sexual orientation.

You individual identity, preferences, hangups are meaningless when you join the military. No one cares. We're going to sacrifice resources to cater to a small element that is role-playing instead of focusing on honing a fighting force. Yes, it would disrupt the ability of a small unit to work well together. This much should be obvious. Exit question: So if a woman identifies as a man can she serve on the front lines?