The only surprising thing is that instead of stonewalling, they’re simply—and rarely—being honest about not wanting to cooperate with an investigation:

President Barack Obama will not cooperate in a “partisan fishing expedition” over who knew what and when about revelations that groups seeking tax-exempt status were subject to extra Internal Revenue Service scrutiny.

“We are going to work with Congress, as the president said, in legitimate oversight,” Dan Pfeiffer, a senior adviser to Obama, said today on ABC’s “This Week With George Stephanopoulos” program. “What we’re not going to participate in is a partisan fishing expedition designed to distract from the real issues at hand.”

Let’s see:

“We are going to work with Congress, as the president said, in legitimate oversight”


we’re not going to participate in is a partisan fishing expedition

OK, but they already think these things are one and the same.

“What would be an actual real scandal in Washington would be if the president had been involved or had interfered in an IRS investigation,” Pfeiffer  said on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”

To apparently even ask if what this official said is true is “offensive.”

Most “transparent administration ever.”