Tonight we discussed the situation recently experienced by Lynne Russell and her husband, special forces veteran Chuck de Caro. The couple were attacked in their hotel room by a gun-wielding intruder after following Russell inside from the parking lot. The criminal held Russell at gunpoint demanding money and possessions. Her husband and the intruder exchanged fire; de Caro was wounded, the intruder was killed. Russell credits the couple's ability to bear arms as the determining factor in saving their lives. Some lefty toolbag author named Jeff Pearlman wrote a piece questioning their authenticity and asked why couldn't Russell had just given the perp the money? Right, because Pearlman apparently knows more about the case than the people involved, who were shot at, you see. That the perp followed Russell from the parking lot and shoved her into the room as she opened the door suggests to me this was more than just a mere robbery. He was watching her and seems to me foiled when de Caro walked out of the bathroom and confronted the perp. Sorry, but no—a hazard of being a robber is that you might get your head blown off by your gun-carrying victim. God bless the Second Amendment and a woman's pro-choice right of self defense. Pearlman was victim shaming Lynne Russell and Chuck de Caro. Instead of giving the benefit of doubt to the criminal holding them hostage, how about Pearlman give it to the victims?

We also discussed how the Michigan chapter of Sharpton's civil rights group is demanding that Kid Rock be to denounce the Confederate flag, because Kid Rock doing so will magically erase a generation of Democrat Jim Crow policies. One group participant added:

“How in the hell can Kid Rock represent Detroit and wave that flag just generating millions and millions in ticket sales—a flag that represents genocide to most of Detroit?” asked Sam Riddle, political director of the National Action Network.

Really? Because when I hear “Detroit” and “genocide” I think of the genocide of an entire city and its population caused by decades of one political party's governance. Have you seen Detroit's crime rate? Republicans ain't running Motor City.

How many black Americans did the flag shoot in Chicago over the July 4th weekend? Stop focusing on irrelevant, inanimate objects and focus on actual causes. To borrow from Jesus, Racism and bigots “you will always have,” flag or no flag. Watch the discussion here, courtesy Right Sightings: