Michael Bloomberg needs for the face of the Second Amendment to be a man. It’s hard to defeat a right but it’s a lot easier to defeat something when it has a face—or a sex. It’s why he plucked Shannon Troughton, a.k.a. Shannon Watts, from her lucrative 9-5 job as a corporate PR executive to be the face of his anti-gun campaign. Bloomberg figures that if he personifies Second Amendment supporters as big, burly men and anti-Second Amendment supporters as vulnerable mothers simply trying to protect their young, then he will finally find the support for gun control that has eluded him and other anti-gun advocates all of these years.

Here’s where Bloomberg messes up: he doesn’t use women who are knowledgeable about firearms to argue against firearms, likely because knowledge is the antidote to hysterical hoplophobia, so he disables his message by using women who are poor advocates. Advocates lure people to a cause, they don’t turn people away from it. Unfortunately for Bloomberg, that’s exactly what he’s doing. After his group attempted and failed to remove me from “The View” the ladies remarked that the tactics used by the Bloomberg mom group were “over the top.”