Featuring my producer, Mr. Kevin. Kevin has an affinity for aviator shades, gold medallions, the 70s, and, gag me, Neil Young. I overlook that last part because he’s a good producer and he also likes guns.

As you know, we’re entering the final stretch of the Mr. 97.1 Man Beauty Pageant and Kevin’s opponent, Max Foizey, made his fingers sore last night by voting for himself umpteen frillion times. Max cannot win. I need your help in making Kevin #1 so please vote early and often. Unlike actual elections, we don’t pretend to care about your fake social security number up in here. Astroturf the crap out of this.

The final category is talent and Kevin, a track star and apparently power-walking, or RACE WALKING as he incessantly reminds me, nearly pops his hips out of socket by … gyrating? down the sidewalk. Amazing, purely amazing. Worthy of a vote.

Click image for video

(The interview is pretty amazing, too.)