As the Bernie Sanders vs Michael Bloomberg war intensifies, the Sanders camp is leaking oppo like a sieve. I’ve added it to the running total of insane headlines about Bloomberg (latest additions at bottom):
- Bloomberg has battled sexual harassment accusations for years:
- The Worst Things Michael Bloomberg Has Said About Women
- Report raises more questions about Bloomberg’s alleged sexual harassment
- Why Is Bloomberg’s Long History of Egregious Sexism Getting a Pass
- Michael Bloomberg’s alleged harassment of women
- Bloomberg won’t release women who sued him from secrecy
- Mike Bloomberg once told pregnant female co-worker to ‘kill it’
- Bloomberg thinks farmers lack the “gray matter” to work in tech; More
- 1990 Bloomberg L.P. Employees Created A Book Of His Offensive Quotes (Embedded)
- He advocated for denying health care to the elderly
- Bloomberg came under fire for describing Cory Booker as “well spoken”
- Bloomberg reportedly plagiarized campaign material
- He made a universal statement blaming all young black men for all crime, not just in NYC and can’t do math
- Bloomberg loves Stop and Frisk and according to Giuliani, ran it into the ground with zero oversight
- He reportedly paid off Al Sharpton to prevent Sharpton from blasting him when Bloomberg changed the law so he could go for a third term
- Bloomberg changed the law so he could have three terms but supports two terms for all the other NYC mayors
- Bloomberg proposed taxing the poor so that they had no discretionary income to spend on anything he defines as unhealthy. He actually said this: “That’s the good thing about them because the problem is in people who don’t have a lot of money. And so higher taxes should have a bigger impact on their behavior and how they deal with themselves.” When countered, Bloomberg defended his stance by saying “Well, we want the poor to live longer so they can get an education and enjoy life.” Nanny knows best. (Bloomberg’s plan includes more taxes than Biden’s)
- Bloomberg invited himself into labor and delivery rooms by pushing new moms to breastfeed and through his Latch On NYC program, requiring them to explain their private choice to the hospital if they chose (or health resulted in) formula feeding before being given formula (which was kept locked away)
- This is all the stuff Bloomberg banned as mayor, everything from trans fats to an improper ratio of bathrooms in buildings
- His campaign is run by lobbyists
- Bloomberg’s “Everytown for Gun Safety” memorialized one of the Boston bombers as a “victim of gun violence”
- Bloomberg’s now-defunct “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” included members convicted of serious felonies like possession of child pornography, assault on a child; trying to ply a minor with alcohol for sexual favors before firing a gun off by his head; extortion, covering up homicide, it’s a long list. The rest of the mayors left because being associated with Bloomberg’s group was a PR nightmare
- He buys lawmakers … Big time
- Related: The costs of going after Bloomberg
- Bloomberg dissolved his paper’s editorial board and prohibited them from reporting on his presidential campaign
- Bloomberg was blasted after he replaced the NYC school board, established by the state, with himself.
- He was criticized for his previous sexist remarks about women
- Bloomberg served as an apologist for Communist China by defending communism as a legitimate and fair representation for people
- After an average citizen stopped a church shooting in Texas, Bloomberg blasted the act (not the murder, but the law-abiding citizens using his lawfully carried firearm to stop said murderer), saying: “It may be true — I wasn’t there; I don’t know the facts — that somebody in the congregation had their own gun and killed the person who murdered two other people, but it’s the job of law enforcement to have guns and to decide when to shoot. You just do not want the average citizen carrying a gun in a crowded place.”
- Bloomberg endorses state surveillance (he loathes the 4th and 2nd Amendments)
- Michael Bloomberg has no idea how to tell a full-auto from a semi-auto, anything about magazines, ammo, or hunting
- Bloomberg buys influencers and makes the most cringe-worthy videos
- He passed off an Obama-era photo on immigration detention as being Trump’s fault
- Mike Bloomberg Referred To Transgender People As “It” And “Some Guy Wearing A Dress” As Recently As Last Year
- Bloomberg reportedly tried to silence a reporter to protect Beijing when said reporter challenged Bloomberg’s reporting on China
- Bloomberg bans food donations to homeless shelters