Fifty years after the pill was first put on the market some women are celebrating by writing missives on how the contraceptive has changed their life. Not Raquel Welch:

The Hollywood actress said the widespread use of oral contraceptives had led to a breakdown in sexual morality and fuelled the growth of rampant promiscuity among the young.

Miss Welch, 69, said the situation has grown so grave that ‘these days nobody seems able to keep it in their pants or honour a commitment’.


‘The growing proliferation of birth control methods has had an awesome effect on both sexes and led to a sea change in moral values,’ she said in an article for television channel CNN entitled ‘It’s SexO’Clock in America’. A positive consequence of the Pill was it had ‘made it easier for a woman to choose to delay having children until after she established herself in a career’, she said.