This sad story is making the rounds. A violent prohibited possessor shot and killed a man:

A man fatally shot by his neighbor in south Tulsa Friday evening has been identified.

Police say 37-year-old Khalid Jabara was shot in the neighborhood near 93rd and Memorial. He died after he was taken to the hospital. Several witnesses told police the suspect was the man's 61-year-old neighbor, Vernon Majors.

Majors took out his drunk bigotry against a Christian Lebanese man:

Majors, who the report said was intoxicated and “chugged his beer” instead of putting it down, was also charged with obstructing police.

Tensions between the two Tulsa households only increased over the summer.

“He repeatedly attacked our ethnicity and perceived religion, making racist comments,” Victoria Jabara Williams wrote on Facebook. “He often called us ‘dirty Arabs,’ ‘filthy Lebanese,’ ‘Aye-rabs,’ and ‘Mooslems.’ ”

(The Jabaras are actually Christian, Rebecca Abou-Chedid, a family friend, told The Post.)

Majors, who had a PO against him and was out on bond for a felony charge, has a felony record in southern California:

One of Majors’ California convictions includes a 2009 felony case for making threats in Los Angeles County, where he was also under a restraining order from another man.

Courts records indicate that Majors was extradited to California in 2013, but he returned to Oklahoma and got married to another man there in 2014.

Majors, beyond his status as an uneducated bigot, is also a prohibited possessor, a criminal, meaning that he is barred from carrying or legal purchase of a firearm. He is not a law-abiding gun owner, who studies have shown are not to blame for crime.