The White House stands ready to fulfill the prophecy once foretold by Barack Obama:

“The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”

As Steven Crowder so succinctly put it, there is little anyone could say about the Muhammad, the war-mongering and misogynistic pedophile, that would even approach the level of slander.

But that’s clearly not what Barack Obama meant when he made that statement.

What did he mean? He meant that the future must not belong to those who even slightly offend the followers of the prophet of Islam. It must not belong to those who draw pictures – even cartoons – of the prophet of Islam. It must not belong to those who make jokes about the prophet of Islam. Do you like bacon? Do you have a problem with men who beat women? Are you a woman? Sorry, the future must not belong to you either.

On January 12, 2015, the White House daily briefing shed further light. Knowing that the work of journalists could potentially provoke the attacks of Islamists, White House spokesman Josh Earnest stated,

“The President will not now be shy about taking the steps that are necessary to try to advocate for the safety and security of our men and women in uniform.”

The suggestion here is that it is the President’s responsibility to keep American news organizations from publishing anti-jihadi information.

Yes. In a nation where the free press is a revered institution and a Constitutionally protected right, the President is claiming that he has not only the right, but also the responsibility to strangle it as he sees fit.

And let’s not pretend that he’s actually doing it to defend our men and women in uniform. If he wanted to defend our military, he wouldn’t be retiring experienced Captains and Majors in order to save money by bringing in young Lieutenants. If he wanted to defend our military, he wouldn’t have partied with donors in Las Vegas while Navy Seals died trying to save Ambassador Chris Stevens and others in Benghazi. If he wanted to defend our military, he would be repealing our dangerous Rules of Engagement instead of repealing political gems like Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and the laws keeping women out of combat units.

By his words and by his actions, we know that this President does not intend to defend our men and women in uniform. He does not intend to defend our rights and our liberties. When the rubber meets the road, when the Islamists come to call, this President defends instead their lives, their prophet, and even their feelings.