Just received:

To Republican Friends:

I am writing to endorse Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder for the U.S. House in Missouri’s 8th Congressional District. I have known Peter and members of his family for more than twenty years. Peter is a true conservative leader with a long record of fighting successfully for us across the whole range of issues vital to our cause of limited constitutional government. He is not only conservative but he will lead and make a difference from day one.

Peter has never backed down from a fight. He has been at the forefront of the conservative movement in Missouri, from sponsoring, passing and overriding the Governor’s veto of Missouri’s first ban on partial-birth abortion, to raising private money to file a constitutional challenge against ObamaCare – which he led on the national stage. Peter has fought the major battles, even when those battles have been with members of his own party. Now it is time that we fight for him.

We must send a leader to Congress who can get something done, not just someone to cast an empty vote. Peter WILL make a difference from day one. He WILL be able to articulate a strong conservative philosophy. He WILL be able to make convincing arguments for limited government. He WILL be a leader in the U.S. House.

I hope you will support Peter Kinder to represent Missouri’s 8th Congressional District.

Phyllis Schlafly
Eagle Forum