Where is the 99% really? With two Occupy-inspired groups gathering this week in Philadelphia, perhaps we will finally know. The 99% Declaration just wrapped an event called “Continental Congress 2.0” that was effectively a strategy session for a planned lawsuit against the federal government. (The goal of that lawsuit is to force legislation that would remove money from politics as we know it.)

When Occupy Philadelphia learned of the event, they immediately began planning #NatGat in response. They were upset that the 99% Declaration was getting press and recognition by using the “occupy” name without ever consulting them about sponsorship for the Philly event. But “Occupy Philly” doesn’t even represent 99% of the people in Philadelphia who had a grievance about something this weekend. The following is a list of grievances gathered from several different local news sites.

From the Philadelphia Inquirer Online:

What do we want? FREE STUFF! When do we want it? NOW! -BurbGuy

Stop bitchin and get a job, pay taxes, have children who will pay your Social Security someday. If all you do is live at mom’s and complain, you offer nothing to society. Move to North Korea. -joeshea

That’s the thing: these folks make these claims, but what are they really talking about? There is actually a pretty fair system in place to deal with this kind of thing. The terms of student loan payback are more lenient than a mortgage. -CleanupPhilly

Only 60 people and this warrants news coverage? There were almost 100 people at a softball game I watched. Where was the mighty Daily News? -squat9

And when someone did speak out in defense of the occupiers,

Maybe if more people watched RT or checked out RT.com, then you’d be up to date on current events! For the morons that don’t have a clue: These brave young college folks want us to notice and assemble as one cohesive unit to change the corrupt corporate status quo. -RosieO

the response was swift and scathing:

Yes, Russia Today is certainly objective, fair, and unbiased. And supports Assad bombing the f-word out of his own people in Syria. Good call. -CleanupPhilly

The responses on other sites, some more liberal than others, were similar. From NBC:

Just another reason to stay out of Philly. – Jim Hopkins

They should all be arrested! They suck – blocking rush hour traffic for the people who do work! – Johnna DiSanto

From abclocal:

I’d like to know where these dirtballs were during the cold winter months? Certainly not occupying anything but their warm houses/apartments unlike people – including the homeless – whom they claim to represent. -nicole.spies

Lord. I thought this whole movement jumped the shark six months ago. Professional malcontents and rabble rousers, I guess. Easier to complain than to try to better your condition in life. -whiting2nj

And the hands down winner:

Where’s a Philly flash mob when you want one? -pretty_tulips

Occupiers, the 99% has spoken. And they think it’s time for you to go back to your tents (in Mom’s backyard instead of ours, this time).