WOMAN OF THE PEOPLE: Hillary asks her rich Hamptons friends how to talk to poor people.

PEN PALS: The “lost” Hillary letters to Saul Alinsky.

BARBIE FAIL: Wendy Davis fails epically in debate trying to “gotcha” Greg Abbott.

MAYBE HE WAS A DREAMER: How do these guys keep getting past White House security?

AL VS AL: https://www.politico.com/blogs/media/2014/09/al-jazeera-america-sues-al-gore-195805.htmlAl Jazeera sues Al Gore.

GRABBER ALERT: Virgnia Beach targets lawful gun owners.

HEADLOOSE: Iran punishes citizens who dance to “Happy” song.

RAPE CULTURE: Mary Landrieu and a bunch of white people doing keg stands.