Couple this with the below from Survey Missouri:

Missouri is one of a twelve states that has a Senator from each party.   Reflecting on a year when monumental reforms have been proposed, Missourians were asked which Senator more closely represents their values and beliefs in Washington, DC.

  • Kit Bond                   58%
  • Claire McCaskill        29%
  • Neither                     13%

The United States Senate has currently scheduled a Christmas Eve vote on the Health Care Reform bill.  Missourians were asked, regardless of how they feel about the proposed reforms, whether they agree with the Christmas Eve vote or did they think the legislation should be considered after the first of the year.

  • Agreed with rushing the bill through by the end of the year.        23%
  • Think they should slow down and revisit the issue after the first of the year.     72%
  • Had no opinion of the timing of the vote.   5%

In this week’s poll, 72% of Missouri residents overwhelmingly support slowing the process down.  This coincides with last weeks poll that showed that 61% of Missouri voters oppose the current Health Care bill.

Are you listening, Claire McCaskill?