Earlier I posted my disagreement with Bloomberg's Everytown (under which are structured Moms Demand and Mayors Against Illegal Guns, both profiled in my book) in the form of a photo. It was a response to their “wearing orange” campaign where they try to make a universal statement on “gun violence.” It was promptly appropriated by the official Moms Demand Social Media Director, Lisa L. Reed, who altered it to imply false endorsement of Everytown and their campaign.

Original photo:

Manipulated photo:

I immediately asked why she was using my photo in a way that neither constitutes parody or fair use.

Reed didn't apologize, but after others began questioning Moms Demand's motives and legitimacy of the photos being used, she protected her account and deleted the Tweet in question:

She also removed “Social Media Director for Moms Demand” from her bio.

It makes me wonder of many of the photos being used for the “wearing orange” campaign are legitimate and how many were used without permission. It wouldn't be the first time that an Everytown subsidary lied for their agenda.