Continuing with a story I first brought you weeks ago: the Missouri Department of Revenue is delivering documents according to the subpoena last week from MO Senator Kurt Schaefer.

Gov. Jay Nixon side-stepped the question at a recent presser:

Asked directly whether the Department is enforcing the federal Real I.D. Act, Nixon says he thinks it is not.

“I’ve not gotten into the details on this other than to say that no, we’re not moving forward on trying to implement Real I.D. I signed a measure directly on that and we’re following the law that I signed.”

Nixon claims to not have any details so he can claim ignorance if more information is uncovered. Senator Schaefer claimed that the DOR repeatedly lied to him as to whether or not their office was complying with Real ID. This is a claim confirmed by the Stoddard County resident who filed the criminal complaint which sparked this controversy, along with the county’s prosecuting attorney.

So far Attorney General Chris Koster is MIA on the issue.