I’ve been called a Nazi, a bigot, a Klansman, a racist, but never an “operative.”

Gateway Pundit also has video.

This is the story to which I was referring.

A listener sends this: on April 26, 2012, McCaskill issued a statement stating we shouldn’t attack whistleblowers, which some would argue is the opposite of what we see in the video above.

“Whistleblowers who raise the alarm about waste, fraud, and abuse should be commended-not punished,” said McCaskill, a former prosecutor and Missouri State Auditor. “Whistleblowers are the unsung heroes of our fight to root out inappropriate and sometimes illegal behavior in government. This is a good step toward ensuring we’re protecting them from being punished for their work to protect taxpayer dollars.”

*10:53pm UPDATE: I’m told that Senator McCaskill tried to kill this story before the Daily Caller ran it. What’s more, Politico supposedly had some of this same information months ago but were asked to nix it, a request which they apparently honored. If it’s not big deal and the whistleblower, Craig Wood, is the monster McCaskill said he was in the above video, they why work to kill the story?