First, I am not making this up. People on Twitter thought I was. No, our society is that stupid. A kindergartner really was given detention and stripped of his bus-riding privileges because he brought a weensy Lego gun to school.

A six-year-old at the Old Pond Elementary School brought his Lego gun, the size of a quarter (pictured above), onto the bus with him. Some tattletale who was obviously raised to be useless and petrified in the face of gun shapes, ran and told the bus driver, who in turn, freaked the hell out. I say he “freaked the hell out” because the article gives every indication that the bus driver likely almost ran the bus off the road because he(r) “Home Alone”-screamed into his/her hands over a Lego gun. Says the bus driver: “It traumatized the children.” The driver’s reaction or the Lego gun?

Mieke Crane, the child’s mother, insists that officials at Old Mill Pond Elementary School in Palmer overreacted when another student saw the toy, which is slightly bigger than a quarter, and alerted the driver Friday.

‘She [driver] said he caused quite a disturbance on the bus and that the children were traumatized,’ Crane told the local station WGGB.

It gets even more insane!

In the aftermath of the incident, the school sent a letter home to parents explaining what happened and stressing that there was no actual firearm aboard the bus, and that the students were never in any danger.

The missive was accompanied by a photo of the black toy gun showing its actual diminutive size.
Crane’s son has been forced to write a letter of apology to the bus driver. He was also given detention Tuesday and could be temporary stripped off his busing privileges.

Crane’s son was the only individual with any common sense at all, whatsoever, apparently. I hope she didn’t make him write the letter. I hope she instead took him to Froyo and then bought him a puppy, but only after a trip to the Lego store for more tiny guns.

WHO are the parents breeding stupidity and teaching their children to lose their minds over any representation of a firearm? Who traumatizes their children like this? It’s like child abuse. If it’s not the parents, it’s the school. There is no way I would allow a bus driver so dippy they couldn’t diffuse a situation involving a TINY LEGO GUN chauffer around my children. Shame on this school district for traumatizing this child and all of the other children in its care. How ironic, instead of educating children, they force ignorance, punish innocent play, and breed fear.

*My friend Instapundit reminds me that these are the places where they teach critical thinking.