Tonight's “Kelly File” discussion (video courtesy Right Sightings) centered around Debora Nucatola, Planned Parenthood's Medical Director, and her complete lack of humanity in discussing the for-profit harvesting of aborted babies's body parts on camera. Planned Parenthood's defenders are apoplectic and desperate in their spin, arguing that the video is fake or that Nucatola's words were magically inserted into her mouth and in her vocal tonality. So if it's a hoax, has Nucatola been fired for presenting her employer, Planned Parenthood, in such a bad light? If the video lied, what part of Nucatola's words from her own mouth were false? Why are Planned Parenthood defenders angry about this video anyway? They have always stated that babies are nothing but “clumps of cells” until birth, so this must mean they don't truly believe that. So many questions and they make it worse for themselves each day. Congress has opened an investigation and both Texas and Louisiana have announced separate investigation into the claims Nucatola made on camera—namely that the clinics are not harvesting body parts for donation but for felony sale (which she explains with great detail) and that she copies a partial birth abortion technique banned since 2003 in order to “grasp” and not “crush” certain valuable organs.

How much money does Planned Parenthood make from the sales? Nucatola described wanting “more than to break even” which means a profit. Relatedly, if Planned Parenthood cared so much about women's “health,” as they say—while falsely claiming that they don't make bank on abortions, they they're only a tiny percentage of what they do—why would they endanger their ability to provide actual health care by engaging in questionable and illegal practices? Whom or what do they prioritize? Women or money? I think we know the answer to that.

It's time to defund this horrific organization.

(Screengrab courtesy Danielle)