Just “chirpers?” A bowl of sunshine, Jeb Bush.

“If I decide to run for office again, it will be based on what I believe, and it will be based on my record,” the former Florida governor said in an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network’s David Brody. “And that record was one of solving problems completely from a conservative prospective.”

Bush (R) pointed to his conservative credentials on social issues, cutting taxes and shrinking government.

“I will be able to, I think, manage my way through all the chirpers out there,” he said.

While W was aimable, easy-going, and a natural with his audiences (despite what you think of his record), whereas Jeb Bush is not. I heard him speak earlier this year at a dinner event where I happened to be seated next to Allen West and his wife. Jeb Bush was apparently angry about the clinking of dinner plates and whispered conversation during the remarks of the previous speaker which were written to honor him, typical of any event at which speakers engage the audience during dinner. I and others have done it countless times. After he was honored and introduced, Jeb Bush took the stage and immediately scolded the audience, stating “I wish I could have heard those nice things about myself” and remarked that perhaps event organizers should “shut down” the bar so that people could pay attention, which was met with some offended expressions from across the room. He made several other remarks throughout the dinner; some people of considerable conservative influence seated at my table remarked that they wanted to walk out of the room while he spoke.

If Jeb Bush is seriously positioning himself for a 2016 run, which his own mother seems to not support (and I don’t either) he needs a crash course in public relations. Hillary Clinton vs Jeb Bush in 2016 will guarantee a Clinton win and will be an annoying redux of my junior high school years.