Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has released his opinion of the Clint Eastwood blockbuster “American Sniper.”

Considering the number of Americans who were waiting for the Ayatollah’s endorsement prior to seeing the film, his statement comes not a moment too soon.

So what does the Ayatollah have to say? Unsurprisingly, he is not a fan.

The movie ‘Sniper’ that is made by Hollywood encourages a Christian or a non-Muslim youngster to harass and offend the Muslims as far as they could… Muslims have no safety in the west.

The Ayatollah, who never actually watched the film, is also woefully uneducated in regards to just how much safety Muslims are given in the west:

In 2012, a pair of atheists in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, dressed up as zombie Muhammad and zombie Pope for the annual Halloween parade. Talaag Elbayomy, a 46 year old Muslim man, was charged with assault after he grabbed zombie Muhammad and choked him from behind. It should be noted that zombie Pope was left unharmed.

The judge who heard the case, Mark Martin, dismissed all charges even after being presented with video of the attack. Why?

I have a copy of the Koran here and I challenge you to show me where it says in the Koran that Muhammad arose and walked among the dead. I think you misinterpreted things. Before you start mocking someone else’s religion you may want to find out a bit more about it. It makes you look like a doofus…In many Arabic speaking countries something like this is definitely against the law there. In their society in fact it can be punishable by death and frequently is.

Assessment: A Pennsylvania judge, in order to protect a Muslim, effectively ruled that if you don’t limit your Halloween costumes to things that are real (although I do find it interesting to note that the judge made no comment regarding the parts of the Bible that address whether or not members of the church leadership are prone to becoming zombies), and that if you are assaulted in America for doing something that is legal here but not in another country, the assault is justified and you will never see justice.

In August of 2014, Sneakers Bistro of Winooski, Vermont, took down an innocuous sign which read simply “yield for Sneakers bacon.” The sign was removed by the bistro, an action that was supported by the Mayor of Winooski, due in large part to a letter penned by a Muslim woman who found the sign “offensive to those who do not eat pork.”

Assessment: in order to protect Muslims from even being slightly offended, harmless signs should be taken down.

Add that to the fact that our own President repeatedly and publicly fails to address Islam as the root cause of one terror attack after another, and it seems that the in the west – particularly in America – the insistence on ensuring the safety of Muslims knows no bounds.