Well, this was disappointing. It's a sad day for millions of American movie-watching Second Amendment supporters. My household members are Hugh Jackman fans and we're going to have to reconsider if we can watch the work of an Australian actor who fell for the publicly debunked rhetoric of lobbyist smear group Everytown. Part of the Bloomberg lobbyist apparatus, Everytown has been hard at work churning out debunked narratives to support millionaire Michael Bloomberg's anti-gun agenda. To clarify, Hugh Jackman is aligning himself with a group:

Is Jackman's new affiliation with a group of this nature a statement about his character? Intent? I find it hard to believe he would so blindly pledge himself to a group that has done little more for gun safety than make us law-abiding gun owners praise Jesus that they don't carry.

****My book, Hands Off My Gun: Defeating The Plot To Disarm America details everything (and more) you're reading here. Available on Amazon.