Jen Ennenbach writes that the congressional primary for MO1 is getting dirty:

When Baker was questioned about legal issues regarding child support for his children, it was revealed that these legal matters were initiated by Baker himself to assure his children were properly financially cared for, and that it was properly noted by the court.

“That is just sad.” Baker’s ex-wife Channel stated in response to Hamlin’s allegations that Baker was somehow defaulting on child support payments for his children. “Nope! I receive full support for our children every month. He is a very responsible father. I would be more than happy to go on the record if I had to about this. You can call me at any time.” She added that she fully supports her ex-husband in his Congressional bid.

Since when do we penalize fathers for doing right by their children?

Controversy envelops Sen. Brad Lager’s lieutenant governor campaign:

Is Lager a lobbyist for Cerner? How can Lager claim to be the conservative choice in his ads while running a campaign partially financed by the stimulus, spurred on by Obamacare? Does Lager share the eagerness of his top donor (as evidenced above) to absorb taxpayer dollars from Obama and big spending Democrats? To whom do Lager’s loyalties lie? Has Lager ever discussed Cerner’s brief here with elected lawmakers—and if so, why has he not registered as a lobbyist?