– Joe Biden would be arrested for following his own gun advice. Given at a Parenting Magazine town hall, no less.

Jon Huntsman: Because the conservative thing to do is to try to get people to compromise their principles because it’s the <fingers>conservative thing</fingers> to do.

– Indiana passes ultrasound bill: When you demand that others pay for your health care it means we all get a say in what happens after your feet go into the stirrups. I would love to get the thoughts of the feminists who spoke out against the multiple Colorado Democrats who told a woman she should just take her raping.

– To counter the bad: Missouri State Rep. Mike Leara spoke out yesterday on my program. “It’s time to stand up to the bullies.”

– After spurning them during Secret Golf Weekend, the President tosses a bone to the media in the form of a brief meeting, at which they eagerly jump into his lap so he can scratch behind their ears. Politico wasn’t invited after this article.

Holy bath salts Batman.

Ann Coulter says what Rush Limbaugh was accused of saying in the NYT. Anyone who was truly offended never engaged in any athletic competitions at any point while growing up.

The sequester blame game. Who comes out the best?

And Detroit wonders why it’s $13 billion in the hole. Forward!