Remember how I said that a Kudlow vs. Schumer race would be delicious? Behold, Draft Kudlow:

Fueled by Scott Brown’s stunning ‘Massachusetts Miracle,’ the New York political scene is buzzing with talk of a movement to draft Larry Kudlow to challenge liberal New York Sen. Chuck Schumer.

Some grassroots activists in the Empire State have gone so far to establish a Draft Kudlow committee to encourage the top-rated CNBC talk host to join the political fray.

Lawrence “Larry” Kudlow is a well-known economist and former Reagan adviser.

Schumer’s Senate seat is up for grabs in November.

Conventional political wisdom has been that Schumer would be unbeatable this year, an incumbent as he is in one of the nation’s bluest states.
But Massachusetts has changed the political chessboard.

Newsmax has learned that a coalition of conservatives, tea-party activists, and Republicans are joining forces to draft Kudlow to take on Schumer, who is considered one of the more liberal members of the Senate.

“It’s time for Chuck Schumer to be sent packing,” Draft Kudlow co-chairman Mike Caputo tells Newsmax in an exclusive interview. “It’s very clearly been time for quite a while, but with Scott Brown’s victory, the alarm clock is going off.

“Until Tuesday night, the idea of running Larry Kudlow for Senate was a wish. And thanks to Scott Brown, we now know that wishes can come true.”

Larru Kudlow would obliterate Chuck Schumer on fiscal conservatism and common sense limited government. From Draft Kudlow:

Many New Yorkers agree: it would be difficult to find a federal legislator as bad as US Senator Chuck Schumer. Schumer is personally responsible for much of the bad policy that led to the economic melt down of the United States. He stands firmly in favor of health care reform that is bad for New Yorkers. He supports a tax on banks that is poison for the Empire State. And now, petty bully Schumer is muscling members of his own party, pretending only he may decide who can and cannot run against his hand puppet, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand.

Until Scott Brown was elected to the US Senate by the loopy liberals in Massachusetts, nobody thought it was possible to beat Schumer. Now the game has changed.

Someone pass the popcorn.