Jim Hoft leads with the story that the Carnahan “firebombing?” The one about which I had many questions because it didn’t add up? It may have been an inside job.

The suspect was reportedly a disgruntled progressive activist employed by Russ Carnahan. An unnamed source familiar with the case released the information. Suspect Chris Powers reportedly was upset because he did not get paid so he firebombed the Carnahan finance offices at 2 in the morning.
What a complete shock.

Here’s alleged suspect and Chris Powers raising Cain at Carnahan’s infamous August 2009 townhall:


He’s said to also blog anonymously at Talking Points Memo and described himself as a former journalist. Sources say that Powers has allegedly denied the charges and that the FBI were/are involved. I really hope, for Powers’ sake, that it really is as a listener suggested: just a case of a Carnahan staffer having a bong mishap.

Did the Carnahan camp know this possible truth and consent by silence to the media’s attempt to trump this up as a tea party incident? If this is true, doesn’t this make the fourth incident in which people associated with the Carnahan campaign have run afoul of the law and have engaged in illegal behavior? Why didn’t the Russ Carnahan campaign correct the narrative of the local alternative weekly and Jake Wagman’s subtle suggestion that it was a tea partier? Because he’s in the campaign of his life and is desperate for anything, even the sympathy vote?

The alternative weekly’s heinously irresponsible “blogger” – who once admitted, in print, his inability to vet his posts because he lacked the skills to write ten posts a day and be accurate – and the daily’s Jake Wagman need to issue retractions and clarifications, respectively, and the Russ Carnahan campaign needs to issue an apology for allowing this charade to be pinned on the very people whom he seeks to represent.

Following this story and will update as it develops.

*Adam Sharp has video of his asking Rep. Carnahan about Chris Powers:


and more footage of the infamous August 2009 townhall.

*On further thought – if this is all true I hope Powers gets the help and assistance he needs to not be used in such a manner by a political campaign.