Rep. Russ Carnahan confirmed that former staffer Chris Powers was the individual who “firebombed” his campaign office, not tea party activists as some in the local media had reported:

Congressman Russ Carnahan held a press conference confirming that the person St. Louis police arrested and released for last week’s firebombing of his campaign headquarters did in fact work for his re-election campaign.

Now that Carnahan has ended speculation, I expect to see a full apology from local “blogger” Chad Garrison apologizing to activists for the disparaging reporting as well as a full retraction for the falsehood that activists left a coffin in Carnahan’s yard during the spring, a story proven false by oh, facts and also Betsey Bruce’s reporting which showed, on camera, the coffin in the garage of one Bill Hennessy. I won’t hold my breath.


*UPDATE: Carnahan “Firebombing” an Inside Job?

Prosecutor Lets Carnahan Firebomb Suspect Go?

*Carnahan says that Powers “failed to do his job.” True? Perhaps Powers will take to the Internet and clarify.