“Brochoice” is a term employed by progressive males who have paused from crushing beer cans with their foreheads to opine about abortion. Basically, it’s a term leftist men are using to excuse themselves from their responsibilities by encouraging women to forgo theirs.

One “bro’s” reasoning:

The fight being waged against the bill that would close all but six abortion clinics in Texas will only strengthen with more support.

Actually, the bill simply increases medical standards like requiring abortionists to have admittance privileges at local hospitals and be present when anesthesia is administered. The horrors!

Forcing women to adhere to the anti-choice attitudes of state legislators forces men to do the same, and will have serious consequences both on men’s lives and lifestyles.

Anti-choice? Choice is before conception. But we’re getting into it a bit with this “men’s lifestyles” foreshadowing.

      Making abortion inaccessible for millions of Texas women is going to put them in danger if they ever need to terminate a pregnancy. Black markets for unsafe abortions will emerge, and women will be pushed into potentially fatal back-alley abortions

Abortion is still legal up until 20 weeks. This isn’t like putting an outfit on layaway. If you need five months to decide whether or not to have a conceived child you aren’t ready for the act which results in conception.

      While it is ultimately a woman’s choice whether to have an abortion, many women choose to make that decision with the man involved. Do you want that decision ready-made for you by politicians in state government? Not if you value freedom, you don’t.

These same women are fine with these same decisions being paid for by the public, so why the sudden aversion to their input?

      This bill will force thousands of Texas men into unplanned fatherhood by making it impossible for women to access an abortion in the event of an unplanned pregnancy. Even if you want to have kids, you probably don’t want an accident to make you a father before you’re psychologically ready and able to care for a child.

Ah, here it begins. “Unplanned fatherhood.” The underlying premise of this piece, despite its presentation, is that the decision and responsibility is all on the woman. Heaven forbid the man help his partner access the choices before conception. To pay homage to the piece, if you aren’t ready to become a father before you’re psychologically ready and able to care for a child, you aren’t ready for sex, either.

      Can you think of anything that kills the vibe faster than a woman fearing a back-alley abortion? Making abortion essentially inaccessible in Texas will add an anxiety to sex that will drastically undercut its joys.

Because the thought of killing your child doesn’t “kill the vibe?” You’re more concerned about killing the “vibe” than your child? You have more problems than just your libido.

Almost half of all pregnancies are unplanned and unintended. Of those, over 40% currently end in abortion.

According to Planned Parenthood’s own think tank, 99% of pregnancies are either planned or accidental, the result of no birth control used or birth control used incorrectly. Abortion isn’t birth control, and arguing for the murder of a viable infant is even more heinous.