While promoting his war film “Fury,” the Missouri native had this to say about firearms:

“There's a rite of passage where I grew up of inheriting your ancestors' weapons,” Pitt said, according to The Independent. “My brother got my dad's. I got my grandfather's shotgun when I was kindergarten.”

Pitt also detailed his early history with guns, revealing that his very first gun was an air gun, followed by a shotgun he received at age 6. By the time he was 8, he had already fired a handgun.

The “Fury” star also said when he's home with his wife, Angelina Jolie, and their children, he doesn't feel safe unless he has a gun in the house.

“The positive is that my father instilled in me a profound and deep respect for the weapon,” Pitt said.

In a 2012 interview with the Daily Mail, Pitt opined that “America is a country founded on guns. It's in our DNA.”

Exactly. A point to ponder: What parent wouldn't protect their children with a firearm against a bad guy with a firearm? It's the worst argument to deprive law-abiding people of their 2A rights, the argument that a criminal may illegally use an illegally obtained firearm.