Video has changed the way that we ingest the news.  As pretty as words strung together in a sentence look when read, and as compelling as pictures can be in the right light, nothing sets the context of a situation like video.

Video tells a story – and while it’s not foolproof, it is full of fools.  All American Blogger Duane Lester gives us 11 reasons to vote for Democrats in November.  The video is priceless – and if someone wants to start a drinking game where being the first to name the congressman lets you give out shots, we’re all in.

High fives, fist bumps and Washington Post blog columns for anyone who knows all 11, but be wary of what the liberals will say.  Using the words of politicians against them is somehow considered unfair (this from people who accuse conservatives of talking in super secret code during elections).

I’ll let the video speak for itself – or rather, I’ll let the congress persons speak, stammer, stutter, and slur their way through 3 minutes of hilarity.  Who needs shots when you’re drunk on power?